Carla and Michael’s Foster Care Story 

Carla and Michael have been caring for foster children for three years. As parents of 10 children, they’d always spoken about caring for foster children once their own had grown up. Read about their experiences as carers and the relationships that they’ve built along the way below.  

“Michael and I have been carers for three years and we provide long-term care for three children, and we also offer respite for children on weekends. We love respite as it gives carers the chance to recharge their batteries. 

“Along with the children that we care for long-term, we provide respite to half a dozen other children, with hopes of caring for more, soon. 

“We love family days. It’s a time we spend together and do things like go for picnics, trips to the beach, and country drives...Our home has become a haven for the children. We live on acreage and have a large variety of animals. The children love them and can often be found cuddling Guinea pigs, puppies and lizards.

“We are creating lifelong memories with our amazing foster children, every day. There’s nothing better than seeing the joy on their faces when you share your life with them.”  

When we asked Carla and Michael if they had any advice for new carers, they said: 

“Our advice to new carers would be to just take one day at a time. It’s also important to treat these kids with love and respect; and remember, it’s so rewarding. 

“Michael and I have good rapport with several of the kids’ kinship carers and siblings. 

“Anglicare have been very supportive during our foster care journey and it’s comforting to know that help is only a phone call away.  

“Our family have certainly felt enriched, having these amazing kids in our lives and we can’t wait to help more children. We would recommend fostering to anyone wanting to embark on a rewarding journey.” 

Hear from more of our carers and their journeys, by clicking here.  

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